
This blog has a bit of everything! There will be craft idea's (and tutorials), sewing ideas, organization and cleaning tips. I will also include blogs about my life as a stay at home army wife and mother and include my poetry and writing. I hope you enjoy!

Friday, April 13, 2012

My first blog will be a short and simple one.
So....do you ladies hate when you shave your legs and your skin get's all dry and irritated? Yea, well me too! I had a friend tell me she used conditioner instead of shave cream, I tried it and it worked amazingly! But I decided to add to it. I mixed conditioner, with some lotion (I used an almost full bottle of cheap suave conditioner and added about 10 pumps of lotion and I used st ives extra dry skin lotion) then I added a drop of tea tree oil.
Let me tell you my legs were SMOOOOOTH! I did not have dry patches or anything. They were like a baby's bottom lol. I put a little extra lotion on after I dried and my legs were moisturized all day long.

Let me know if you try it and what you think.

Thanks guys!